Why leaf compost mulch? There is no better way to improve the health of your soil, and the health of your soil is the primary factor in the health of your garden. The percentage of organic matter in your soil matters. Incorporating leaf compost mulch into your garden will improve soil structure, fertilize and provide food for organisms in the soil food web.

Use your leaf compost mulch to create a world class vegetable garden

Above ground benefits of leaf compost mulch.

Prevent erosion and protect garden soil from damaging rain.

Rain drops hitting clay and sand soils will dislodge particles and send them streaming off down hill and causing erosion and compaction. Leaf compost used as mulch acts as a shield and prevents soil degradation.

Insulate soil from intense summer sunlight and prevent evaporation.

Keeping roots cool in the heat will make for stronger healthier plants and increase yields in the vegetable garden.

Conserve Water. Leaf compost mulch acts like a sponge.

Leaf compost mulch and organic carbon will absorb and retain water and prevent evaporation.

Prevent weeds by blocking out sunlight.

Weed seeds need sunlight to germinate. A layer of mulch in the spring denies seeds of sunlight.

Healthy soil requires sufficient air, water, minerals, and organic material to promote and sustain plant life.

Below ground benefits of leaf compost mulch.

Soil structure air and water

Soil tilth or texture is determined by inorganic particle sizes that make up your soil. Organic matter prevents clumping and creates pores that allow for the movement of air and water.

Soil organisms

Living organisms are present in healthy soil with plenty of organic matter. Organic matter or humus is food for soil organisms from worms to protozoa. A multitude of hungry critters are moving around in your soil looking for their next meal. During this process these organisms churn the soil, break up soil particles and improve soil tilth.

Roots and symbiosis

The roots of some varieties of plants create symbiotic relationships with fungi. These mycorrhizal fungi feed on the decaying organic matter in the soil and mineral nutrients left behind.


Leaf compost contains all the nutrients plants require except nitrogen. Nutrients contained in leaf compost are converted to plant available nutrients by the organisms responsible for organic decomposition.

Soil pH

Leaf compost mulch neutralizes soil pH levels. During the initial stages of compost decomposition, organic acids are formed. The acidic conditions are favorable for growth of fungi and breakdown of lignin and cellulose. As composting proceeds, the organic acids become neutralized. Mature leaf compost mulch has a pH of around 6.5.